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(603) 852 79 35 akasi-commercial@akasigroup.com 1, Tara boulevard # 101, Nashua NH 03062 United States
(603) 852 79 35 akasi-commercial@akasigroup.com 1, Tara boulevard # 101, Nashua NH 03062 United States

Course details

Cyber attack prevention

Course 00168


Based on practical experience of penetration testing, this training course will will enable you to understand how professional hackers work as well as the techniques used and the vulnerabilities to be exploited. We will discuss the best practices to adopt in order to protect yourself.

What you'll learn

  • Understand the motivations of hackers
  • Understand how they operate
  • Develop techniques to counter attacks

Targeted audience

  • • Security managers
  • • CSO
  • • CTO
  • • Network administrators


  • • Understanding basic safety vocabulary


What will this training bring you?

Setting the context

Impact of a cyber attack on a company and its employees

This module will guide you through realistic scenarios to develop your pentester mindset

The aim is to understand behaviour in order to train defenders rather than attackers

Learn the essential steps of a pentest

Developing critical and divergent thinking in the face of vulnerabilities

Solve a realistic CTF (Capture the Flag) based on real-world scenarios

To understand a hacker, you need to understand how they think and what their objectives are

To protect yourself against attacks, you need to know what weapons your adversary is using

Explore the techniques, tools and methodologies used to analyse and exploit video games

This module covers the key concepts of game hacking, including debugging, memory modification and exploiting software flaws

Understanding the basics of game hacking

Discovering the essential techniques and tools

How the lessons and skills learned can be applied in other areas of cyber security

Discover how to secure your network perimeter using open-source tools

Techniques and tools to prevent and detect threats

Identifying open-source tools to strengthen perimeter security

Implementing proactive defence strategies

Understanding the limitations and advantages of open-source tools

Learn how to create and explore homelabs to develop your cybersecurity skills

Equip participants to set up isolated and secure test environments for theory verification and debugging

Understanding the steps involved in creating a homelab

Identify the essential tools for configuring a homelab

Explore practical learning scenarios

Review of lessons learned

How to detect an attack

Best practices

Recommendations for participants and companies

Suggestions for more in-depth training courses

Survey and feedback

Get this Course

797,00 €

  • • 2 days instructor-led training course
  • • After-course coaching available

  • • No schedule defined yet